Saturday, December 19, 2009

Juggler in the Wind - Wim Coleman and Pat Perrin

Our next tour is for Juggler in the Wind b Wim Coleman and pat Perrin.


Juggler in the Wind is written for teens and older by Wim Coleman and Pat Perrin. When a ragtag circus shows up in the town of Buchanan, Kansas, fourteen-year-old Randy Carmichael begins a quest beyond mortal imagination. Voices summon him, a godlike figure appears in his dreams, and supernatural adversaries lay in wait for him as he learns about his identity and destiny. When gods grow old to the brink of death, Randy plays a role in their wondrous rebirth. And when he falls in love with an immortal goddess, he must journey into a realm dreaded by mortals everywhere. By the end of Randy’s quest, our very world will never be the same. Juggler in the Wind, the first book of The Wand Bearer Trilogy, will be released in February 2010, to be followed by Star Road and Otherworld.


Here's the list for this tour! Let me know if any changes need to be made by December 22nd. There's still time to join this tour!

1. Jennifer
2. Kristin
3. Shel
4. McKenzie
5. Sarah


Jen said...

Count Me In!



I cant ship to Canada :(

Jen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kristin Halbrook said...

Sounds fascinating.


Canada shipping is okay for me.

Kristin Miller

Shel said...

I would love to be a part of this tour!

I can ship to Canada.

s.j.kessel.writes (at) gmail (dot) com


Anonymous said...

Sounds cool! I'm in

Can't ship to Canada


prashant said...

I would love to be a part of this tour!

Work from home India

Sarah Woodard said...

I am in the US and can ship to Canada.

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